04/24/2011: WBAL-BAL (NBC)
11 News Sunday MorningNews
... >> it's almost as hot but it's about half the heat of the red ghost but that's still 50 whatever, >> so these little guys you have to handle with care. >> exactly. >> some other kind of cool stuff this year. black pet nas are here finally. this is black velvet and there's a couple other varietieses in that sort of same family. >> as close to black as you're going to get. if you look at it in the sun, i get a hint of purple but it's really the compression when you have a mass they're going to look black. >> and you're going to have to mix something with them. what's cool is the phantom has a yellow. and then there's one called pin stripe which has a hint of white in the center. >> this is something they've been striving for, for a long time. >> yes. and as a true die hard oriole fan what better than black pet nas mixed with orange and i can show my team spirit in my garden. >> there are a lot of orange plants. ...